Learning Commons' Tutoring Services
The Learning Commons tutoring services provides tutoring for the following areas:
The Learning Commons tutoring services can help you achieve your academic goals. The Learning Commons is an active learning center which provides professional and peer tutoring, access to various learning tools such as textbooks on loan, adaptive technology, computers to check student emails and conduct research, the opportunity to make up tests or re-take tests arranged by the instructors, and a convenient setting for individual or group study sessions.
Come in and make yourself comfortable as soon as you begin your studies at MCC. Let us help you bridge the gap between confusion and comprehension. Don't wait until you're overwhelmed by tests, assignments, and research papers or project. Take charge of your future! Make a habit of using the Learning Commons as part of your plan to achieve academic success.
The Courtesy Guidelines are in place at all times when the Learning Commons is open:
- Silence cell phones
- Drinks with lids allowed
- No children
ESOL Tutoring Services
ESO tutoring services are located within the Learning Commons 4-440
Mission Statement
Monroe Community College is committed to the success of all its students and seeks to provide the appropriate means to that end. The college has a particular concern for the success of under-prepared students and recognizes that they benefit from additional supports that enable them to achieve their academic goals. These supports include the English for speakers of other languages, Transitional Studies and Student Support Services in the Division of Academic Foundations. Under prepared students placed in the Transitional Studies Department receive advisement, orientation, instruction and support geared for their particular needs. Likewise, the office of Student Support Services provides on going counseling, tutoring and advisement that enhance opportunities for success. Through this assistance, under-prepared students build skills in reading, writing, math, study skills, and they increase their confidence in their ability to achieve academic success.
Courtesy Guidelines are in place. Currently these guidelines are:
- Please silence your cell phones.
- Drinks with lids allowed in the lab.
- Assistive Technology is available.
- Video Phone (VP) for communication with/for the deaf and hard of hearing students and community.
- Zoom text for the visually challenged
- Dragon Naturally Speaking, speech recognition software, for those who need mobility/dexterity assistance while typing papers.
- Kurzweil is available for those who need to have texts read to them.
- Tutoring: We have a wide variety of tutoring available to work with students in most disciplines. The tutor does not replace the professor of the subject area but is available to clarify an area of challenge.
Specified services for TRS English and Math classes, ESOL, and World Languages that supports classroom curriculum along with make up testing for TRS - 092/094.
- One-on-one and group tutorials are offered in more than 300 MCC courses including Math, Biology, Chemistry, English, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Sociology, and more. Make an appointment with a tutor and watch your grades and understanding of class material improve.
- Occupational specific workshops, customized review sessions and guest speaker presentations are provided for career and technical students upon request.
- Customized workshops are designed to provide an overview of the learning center technology and resources.
Hours of Operation
Tutors in Biology, Chemistry and Math will be on campus. Please speak with your professor and they will be able to tell you how to contact them and where they will be located.
If you have any questions please contact the following:
- Ann Bauer (abauer@gener8co.com)
Sr. Technical Assistant
(585) 685-6202 - Patricia Kennedy (pkennedy@gener8co.com)
Director Academic Support Services
(585) 292-2348
Psychology Tutoring and Testing Services
Psychology tutoring/testing services are in room 4-444 in the Learning Commons, and is where all out of class Psychology tests are given. Please check the link below for additional information about the Psychology Learning Center and what we have to offer:
Math Tutoring Services
Math tutoring services are located in the Learning Commons in room 4-440, it holds ten computers with the learning software for Math 098, Math 104, and Math 160. Students in Math 098 and Math 104 can fulfill their fifth hour requirement by using these resources. Check with your instructors concerning what Math Lab resources they suggest for your class. Appointments or one on one tutoring are available for all Math courses. Math tutors assist students in the open tutoring area of the lab. Each tutor is a professional certified math instructor, retiree, adjunct, or peer who gives their full attention and expertise to every student.
Writing Services
Mission Statement
Writing services are to guide students through the writing process. Tutoring sessions at the center are interactive discussions that encourage students to make informed decisions about their writing. The outcome of tutoring should be that the writer, not necessarily a specific piece of writing, will be changed. Tutors will not write, re-write, or line edit any portion of a student's paper. Rather, they will assist with pre-writing, drafting, researching, revision and editing. Most importantly, the Center aims to build student's confidence and improve their writing skills.
Courtesy Guidelines are in place and posted in the area. Currently these guidelines are:
- Please silence your cell phones.
- No food or drink in the lab
- No children in the area
Each tutor has at least a Master's Degree in English. Changes occur each semester, including but are not limited, to the availability of the tutor based on teaching schedule or other obligations and funding. Please bring your questions, your work, and your syllabus/assignment sheets with specific instructions for the assignments.
Tutors will work with students to:
- Organize and develop ideas
- Develop styles
- Address grammatical errors/concerns
- Work on research strategies and documentation
- Work on editing and proofreading strategies
Tutors will not:
- Write or "fix" a paper for a student
- Proofread a student's paper (though they will work with student on their proofreading and editing skills)
- Evaluate the instructor's teaching style, written assignment or the grade given to written work submitted by a student.
- Predict what grade a written assignment will receive or guarantee that an assignment will receive a good grade.
Hours of Operation and Location
Writing services are located within the Learning Commons in 4-444. Each student are asked to swipe into the services they are using.
If you have any questions please contact the following:
- Ann Bauer (abauer@gener8co.com)
Sr. Technical Assistant
(585) 685-6202 - Patricia Kennedy (pkennedy@gener8co.com)
Director Academic Support Services
(585) 292-2348
Contact Information
Downtown Campus
Tutoring Services
Ann Bauer
(585) 685-6202
Patricia Kennedy
(585) 292-2348
TRS Mastery, Room 4-442
M thru TH: 9:00am to 7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 2:00pm
See instructors for information.
Writing Services, Room 4-440